Shortening CustomCommand development time by using a proxy
One of the most time-consuming processes when developing with Hexagon G/Technology is creating custom commands. The usual development approach consists of the following iterative process: During testing,…
Invoking Oracle Spatial from a Custom Command
Consider a requirement where the centroid of a set of points needs to be retrieved within a custom command. This can be achieved using the ‘GTDataProvider.DataContext.Execute‘-method:
Rubberbanding in G/Technology
Whenever a user is digitizing a polygon, he expects feedback when moving the cursor before actually adding a point, the system should ‘rubberband’ the position under the…
Sorting and merging geometries in Oracle Spatial
Consider a requirement where an unsorted set of geometries needs to be merged into a single geometry. Take for instance the following set of geometries where: a…
Invalid Fiber Couplers
Fiber Couplers are used to connect Fiber Inner Ducts in a Fiber Branch Enclosure. You can connect Fiber Inner Ducts using the Fiber Feature Editor by selecting…
AdHoc Queries
Introduction G/Technology provides functionality to run dynamic queries, the so called ‘Ad-Hoc queries’. A Large telecom provider in the Netherlands is moving Fiber Cables from CRAMER to…