Workaround for the Dotnet Maui Tabs ‘OnAppearing’ event

Tabs in dotnet maui have an ‘OnAppearing’ event which you would expect to be called each time a tab is activated. This however is not the case and a possible workaround is to initialize data in a static manner and pass arguments using the ‘Arguments’-construct like shown in this post :


<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?-->
<contentpage xmlns="" xmlns:x="" x:class="MauiApp1.Pages.Tab1" xmlns:local="clr-namespace:MauiApp1.Data" title="Tab1">


		<label text="Integers as argument">
		<collectionview x:name="collectionView" margin="5" itemtemplate="{StaticResource DataTemplate1}" itemssource="{Binding ItemCollection}" selectionmode="Single">



<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?-->
<contentpage xmlns="" xmlns:x="" x:class="MauiApp1.Pages.Tab2" xmlns:local="clr-namespace:MauiApp1.Data" title="Tab2">


		<label text="Integers as argument">
		<collectionview x:name="collectionView" margin="5" itemtemplate="{StaticResource DataTemplate1}" itemssource="{Binding ItemCollection}" selectionmode="Single">



<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?-->
<contentpage xmlns="" xmlns:x="" x:class="MauiApp1.Pages.Tab3" xmlns:local="clr-namespace:MauiApp1.Data" title="Array of integers">

				<x:array type="{x:Type x:Int32}">

		<label text="Array of integers as arguments">
		<collectionview x:name="collectionView" margin="5" itemtemplate="{StaticResource DataTemplate1}" itemssource="{Binding ItemCollection}" selectionmode="Single">


Where the Itemcollection looks like this:

public class ItemViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
	public ItemViewModel( )	{}

	public ItemViewModel( int categoryId)
		this.ItemCollection = new ObservableCollection<item>( );

		for( int i = 0; i ‹ 4; i++)
			this.ItemCollection.Add( new Item( ) { Name = $"V1-{categoryId}", Description = $"c{categoryId}/T1 rocks"});

	public ItemViewModel( int[] categoryIds)
		this.ItemCollection = new ObservableCollection<item>( );

		for( int i = 0; i ‹ categoryIds.Length; i++ )
			int categoryId = categoryIds[i];
			this.ItemCollection.Add( new Item( ) { Name = $"V1-{categoryId}", Description = $"c{categoryId}/T1 rocks"});

	public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

	protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
		PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, e);

	public ObservableCollection<item> ItemCollection	{ get; set; }

This will result in a nice flexible way of initialisation for tabs:

Integer argument
Integer argument
Array of integers as argument

An example project can be loaded from here.

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