Specialized ViewComponents

Suppose you want to introduce an inheritance chain in ASP.Net Core to use some businesslogic in a baseclass :

namespace Foo.Core.Web
	using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
	using System.Collections.Generic;

	public class CoolBaseViewComponentDetail : ViewComponent
		protected List<string> getItems(int itemCount)
			List<string> items = new List<string>();
			for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
			  items.Add(string.Format("string {0}", i));

			return (items);
	public class SpecializedViewComponentDetail : CoolBaseViewComponentDetail
		public virtual IViewComponentResult Invoke(int numberOfItems)
			List<string> items = getItems(numberOfItems);
			return (View(viewName: "~/Src/ViewComponentSpecialized.Detail.cshtml", model: items));

ViewComponentSpecialized.Detail renders like this :

@model System.Collections.Generic.List<string>
    @foreach( string item in Model)

If you invoke this viewcomponent you get an exception :

@await Component.InvokeAsync( name:"SpecializedViewComponentDetail", arguments:new { numberOfItems = 3 } )

InvalidOperationException: Could not find an 'Invoke' or 'InvokeAsync' method for the view component 'Foo.Core.Web.CoolBaseViewComponentDetail'.

ASP.Net core requires an ‘Invoke’-method on every ViewComponent-specialized class, even if it is not directly called. Solution is to introduce this method but to let it throw an exception when directly called:

namespace Foo.Core.Web
	using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
	using System.Collections.Generic;
	public class CoolBaseViewComponentDetail : ViewComponent
		public virtual IViewComponentResult Invoke(int numberOfItems)
			throw new System.NotSupportedException("Specialized classes should implement this");

		protected List<string> getItems(int itemCount)
			List<string> items = new List<string>();
			for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
			  items.Add(string.Format("string {0}", i));

			return (items);
	public class SpecializedViewComponentDetail : CoolBaseViewComponentDetail
		public virtual IViewComponentResult Invoke(int numberOfItems)
			List<string> items = getItems(numberOfItems);
			return (View(viewName: "~/Src/ViewComponentSpecialized.Detail.cshtml", model: items));

Now the view renders:

o string 0
o string 1
o string 2

cheers, Stephan

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