The SDO_GEOM.VALIDATE_GEOMETRY_WITH_CONTEXT function fails for 3D Compound line strings geometries as discussed over here. This is illustrated by the following sample:


with t1 as
select 1 id, SDO_GEOMETRY( 2002,NULL,NULL, 
         SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,4,2, 1,2,1, 3,2,2), 
         SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY (       10,10, 10,14,6,10,14,10)) geom 
from dual
select 	id
      , CASE g.geom.st_isvalid()
          when 1 then 'valid'
          when 0 then 'invalid'
        END validness
      ,	sdo_geom.validate_geometry_with_context( theGeometry => g.geom, tolerance => 0.001) reason 
from t1 g;


1  valid     TRUE

While the same geometry in 3d is considered invalid:

with t1 as
select 1 id, SDO_GEOMETRY( 3002,NULL,NULL, 
         SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,4,2, 1,2,1,   4,2,2), 
         SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(        10,10,0, 10,14,0,  6,10,0,  14,10,0)) geom 
from dual 
select 	id
      , CASE g.geom.st_isvalid()
        when 1 then 'valid'
        when 0 then 'invalid'
        END validness
     , sdo_geom.validate_geometry_with_context( theGeometry => g.geom, tolerance => 0.001) reason 
from t1 g;
1  invalid   54530 Point:0,Edge:1,

A Quick workaround for this is to convert the geometry to 2d:

with t1 as
select 1 id, SDO_GEOMETRY( 3002,NULL,NULL, 
         SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,4,2, 1,2,1,   4,2,2), 
         SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(        10,10,0, 10,14,0,  6,10,0,  14,10,0)) geom 
from dual 
select 	id
      , CASE SDO_CS.MAKE_2D( geom).st_isvalid()
        when 1 then 'valid'
        when 0 then 'invalid'
        END validness
    ,	sdo_geom.validate_geometry_with_context( theGeometry => SDO_CS.MAKE_2D( g.geom), tolerance => 0.001) reason 
from t1 g;


1  valid     TRUE

hope this helps, Stephan

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Hi Stephan, Your geometry consists of two elements. The first element start at the first ordinate and should be a straight line. Your second element starts at the fourth element and consists of curved lines. Could it be that your 3D example geometry is invalid because your first element of your compound-geometry is a point (10,10,0)! This is not consistent with the gtype of your geometry 3002 nor with the sdo_etype which is for your first element 2, a line.

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