Rubberbanding in G/Technology

Whenever a user is digitizing a polygon, he expects feedback when moving the cursor before actually adding a point, the system should ‘rubberband’ the position under the cursor and only add it to a collection of points after the user left-mouse clicks in the Window. Key to rubberbending in G/Technology is responding to three events :

  1. CustomCommandHelper_Click
  2. CustomCommandHelper_MouseMove
  3. CustomCommandHelper_DblClick


private void CustomCommandHelper_Click( object sender, GTMouseEventArgs e )
  if( this.PntCnt == 0)

    this.Idx = this.GeometryCreationService.AddGeometry( GTClassFactory.Create<IGTPolygonGeometry>(), StyleId);
    this.GeometryCreationService.AppendPoint( this.Idx, e.WorldPoint);

  this.GeometryCreationService.AppendPoint( this.Idx, e.WorldPoint);


private void CustomCommandHelper_MouseMove( object sender, GTMouseEventArgs e )
  if( this.PntCnt == 0)
    this.setGtStatusBar( "Click to start digitizing");

  if( this.PntCnt == 1)
    this.setGtStatusBar( "Click to add point");
    this.GeometryCreationService.SetDynamicPoint( this.Idx, e.WorldPoint);
  this.setGtStatusBar( "Click to add point, Doubleclick to end");
  this.GeometryCreationService.SetDynamicPoint( this.Idx, e.WorldPoint);


private void CustomCommandHelper_DblClick( object sender, GTMouseEventArgs e )
  this.PntCnt = 0;

Besides these 3 events, the following general code is used:

general code

private IGTApplication _GTApp = null;
private IGTApplication GTApp
    if( this._GTApp == null)
      this._GTApp = GTClassFactory.Create<IGTApplication>();

    return( this._GTApp);

private IGTGeometryCreationService GeometryCreationService { get; set; } = GTClassFactory.Create<IGTGeometryCreationService>();

private void setGtStatusBar( string message)
  this.GTApp.SetStatusBarText( GTStatusPanelConstants.gtaspcMessage, message);

private int Idx { get; set; }
private const int StyleId = 5010;

The complete code can be downloaded from here.

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