SDE_MERGE Download pageScroll to the bottom for a zip. Header: create or replace type SDE_MERGE_i as object ( geom mdsys.sdo_geometry, STATIC FUNCTION ODCIAggregateInitialize ( sctx IN OUT SDE_MERGE_i ) RETURN number, MEMBER FUNCTION ODCIAggregateIterate ( self IN OUT SDE_MERGE_i , item IN mdsys.sdo_geometry ) RETURN number, MEMBER FUNCTION ODCIAggregateTerminate ( self IN SDE_MERGE_i , ret OUT mdsys.sdo_geometry , flgs IN number ) RETURN number, MEMBER FUNCTION ODCIAggregateMerge ( self IN OUT SDE_MERGE_i , ctx2 IN SDE_MERGE_i ) RETURN number ); / Body: CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE BODY SDE_MERGE_i IS STATIC FUNCTION ODCIAggregateInitialize (sctx IN OUT SDE_MERGE_i) return number IS BEGIN sctx := SDE_MERGE_i( geom => SDO_GEOMETRY( null, NULL, NULL, null, null) ); return( ODCIConst.Success); END; MEMBER FUNCTION ODCIAggregateIterate ( self IN OUT SDE_MERGE_i , item IN mdsys.sdo_geometry ) return number IS BEGIN /* --- First time we get here we just copy item to self (20170706 SDE) */ if( self.geom.SDO_ORDINATES is null) then SELF.geom := item; return( ODCIConst.Success); end if; SELF.geom := sdo_util.Append ( SELF.geom, item); return( ODCIConst.Success); END; MEMBER FUNCTION ODCIAggregateTerminate ( self IN SDE_MERGE_i , ret OUT mdsys.sdo_geometry , flgs IN number ) return number IS cC0 CONSTANT int := 0; cC1 CONSTANT int := 1; cC2 CONSTANT int := 2; cC3 CONSTANT int := 3; cC4 CONSTANT int := 4; tBuf varchar( 1000); TYPE t_Numbers IS TABLE OF integer INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE t_geomInfoRecord IS RECORD ( geom mdsys.sdo_geometry , hash int , Prev int , prevItems t_Numbers , Next int , nextItems t_Numbers , isStartingGeo int ); TYPE t_geomInfo IS TABLE OF t_geomInfoRecord INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; geomInfo t_geomInfo; /** * @name getHashCode * @author S.Deckers * @date 26-07-2017 * @description */ FUNCTION GETHASHCODE( theGeom mdsys.sdo_geometry) return int AS p1 mdsys.sdo_geometry; p2 mdsys.sdo_geometry; hash int; BEGIN p1 := SDO_LRS.GEOM_SEGMENT_START_PT ( theGeom); p2 := SDO_LRS.GEOM_SEGMENT_END_PT ( theGeom); hash := p1.sdo_ordinates( 1) + p1.sdo_ordinates( 2) + p2.sdo_ordinates( 1) + p2.sdo_ordinates( 2); return( hash); END; /** * @name Swap * @author S.Deckers * @date 08-AUG-2017 * @description Swaps geometry */ FUNCTION Swap( g mdsys.sdo_geometry) return mdsys.sdo_geometry as swapped mdsys.sdo_geometry := new mdsys.sdo_geometry( SDO_GTYPE => g.SDO_GTYPE , SDO_SRID => g.SDO_SRID , SDO_POINT => g.SDO_POINT , SDO_ELEM_INFO => g.SDO_ELEM_INFO , SDO_ORDINATES => new mdsys.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY( ) ); k int := 1; dims int := 3; cnt int; x int; y int; z int; begin cnt := g.SDO_ORDINATES.COUNT / dims; for i in REVERSE 1..cnt loop x := (i-1)*dims+1; y := (i-1)*dims+2; z := (i-1)*dims+3; swapped.sdo_ordinates.Extend( dims); swapped.sdo_ordinates( k) := g.sdo_ordinates( x); k:=k+1; swapped.sdo_ordinates( k) := g.sdo_ordinates( y); k:=k+1; swapped.sdo_ordinates( k) := g.sdo_ordinates( z); k:=k+1; end loop; return( swapped); END; /** * @name getStartingGeo * @author S.Deckers * @date 08-AUG-2017 * @description return index starting geo */ FUNCTION getStartingGeo return int AS BEGIN for i in 1..geomInfo.COUNT loop if( geomInfo( i).isStartingGeo = 1) then return( i); end if; end loop; raise_application_error( -20101, 'getStartingGeo:Unsupported situation'); END; /** * @name Sort * @author S.Deckers * @date 09-08-2017 * @description Sorts geometries and swaps direction if needed */ PROCEDURE Sort AS n int := 1; -- Loop counter i int; tNext int; tNextNext int; tVal int; /** * @name simplifyStructure * @author S.Deckers * @date 01-Sept-2017 * @description The initial structure contains geometries pointing to connected geometries. If a geometry is connected * to multiple geometries, its previousItems/nextItems have more then 1 member. If this is the case, the set of * geometries cannot be merged. At this point in code, only single connections exist and we can simplify the structure * to make manipulaton of it easier. Since the previous-/nextItems collection only contain a single item, we store it * in Next/Prev members */ PROCEDURE simplifyStructure AS BEGIN for x in 1..geomInfo.COUNT loop /* --- Previous items (20170901 SDE) */ if( geomInfo( x).prevItems.COUNT > 1) then tBuf := utl_lms.format_message( 'simplifyStructure:prevItems contains %s items', TO_CHAR( geomInfo( x).prevItems.COUNT)); raise_application_error( -20102, tBuf); end if; if( geomInfo( x).prevItems.COUNT = 0) then geomInfo( x).Prev := 0; else geomInfo( x).Prev := geomInfo( x).prevItems( 1); end if; /* --- Next items (20170901 SDE) */ if( geomInfo( x).nextItems.COUNT > 1) then tBuf := utl_lms.format_message( 'simplifyStructure:nextItems contains %s items', TO_CHAR( geomInfo( x).nextItems.COUNT)); raise_application_error( -20103, tBuf); end if; if( geomInfo( x).nextItems.COUNT = 0) then geomInfo( x).Next := 0; else geomInfo( x).Next := geomInfo( x).nextItems( 1); end if; end loop; /* --- At this point the prev-/nextItems collections have no more use (20170901 SDE)*/ for x in 1..geomInfo.COUNT loop geomInfo( x).prevItems.Delete; geomInfo( x).nextItems.Delete; end loop; END; /** * @name setStartingGeo * @author S.Deckers * @date 01-Sept-2017 * @description Set starting geometry for creating a sorted collection of geometries */ PROCEDURE setStartingGeo AS BEGIN for x in 1..geomInfo.COUNT loop if( geomInfo( x).Prev=0) then geomInfo( x).isStartingGeo := 1; exit; end if; if( geomInfo( x).Next=0) then geomInfo( x).isStartingGeo := 1; exit; end if; end loop; END; BEGIN simplifyStructure ( ); setStartingGeo ( ); i := getStartingGeo(); /* --- Begin at Starting geo and get next until all geometries are retrieved (20170808 SDE) */ LOOP tNext := geomInfo( i).Next; if( n = 1) then -- Swap first item if( tNext = 0) then geomInfo( i).geom := Swap( geomInfo( i).geom); tVal := geomInfo( i).Next; geomInfo( i).Next := geomInfo( i).Prev; geomInfo( i).Prev := tVal; tNext := geomInfo( i).Next; n := n+1; end if; else -- End of list if( tNext = 0) then return; end if; end if; tNextNext := geomInfo( tNext).Next; if( i = tNextNext) then -- Swap item geomInfo( tNext).geom := Swap( geomInfo( tNext).geom); tVal := geomInfo( tNext).Next; geomInfo( tNext).Next := geomInfo( tNext).Prev; geomInfo( tNext).Prev := tVal; end if; i := geomInfo( i).Next; n := n+1; END LOOP; END; /** * @name dumpOords * @author S.Deckers * @date 08-08-2017 * @description */ PROCEDURE dumpOords( sdo_ordinates SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY) as begin for i in 1..sdo_ordinates.COUNT loop tBuf := utl_lms.format_message( 'i=%s v=%s', TO_CHAR( i), TO_CHAR( sdo_ordinates( i))); dbms_output.put_line( tBuf); end loop; END; /** * @name dumpCoordinates * @author S.Deckers * @date 08-08-2017 * @description */ PROCEDURE dumpCoordinates( sdo_ordinates SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY) as x number; y number; z number; dims number := 3; BEGIN for i in 1..sdo_ordinates.COUNT / dims loop x := sdo_ordinates( i*3-2); y := sdo_ordinates( i*3-1); z := sdo_ordinates( i*3); tBuf := utl_lms.format_message( 'i=%s, x=%s, y=%s, z=%s', TO_CHAR( i), TO_CHAR( x), TO_CHAR( y), TO_CHAR( z) ); dbms_output.put_line( tBuf); end loop; END; /** * @name dumpElemInfo * @author S.Deckers * @date 08-08-2017 * @description */ procedure dumpElemInfo( sdo_elem_info SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY) as begin for i in 1..sdo_elem_info.COUNT loop tBuf := utl_lms.format_message( 'i=%s v=%s', TO_CHAR( i), TO_CHAR( sdo_elem_info( i))); dbms_output.put_line( tBuf); end loop; end; /** * @name getPrevUnConnectedCount * @description return # of geometries connected on 'Prev'-side */ function getPrevConnectedCount( pos int) return int as tResult int := 0; tVal int := 0; begin for n in 1..geomInfo( pos).prevItems.COUNT loop tVal := geomInfo( pos).prevItems( n); tResult := tResult+1; end loop; return( tResult); end; /** * @name getNextConnectedCount * @description return # of geometries connected on 'Next'-side */ function getNextConnectedCount( pos int) return int as tResult int := 0; tVal int := 0; begin for n in 1..geomInfo( pos).nextItems.COUNT loop tResult := tResult+1; end loop; return( tResult); end; /** * @name dumpUnSimplified * @purpose dumpUnSimplified structure */ PROCEDURE DumpSingleConnected AS res1 int; res2 int; BEGIN dbms_output.put_line( 'dumpSingleConnected'); for i in 1..geomInfo.COUNT loop res1 := getPrevConnectedCount( pos => i); res2 := getNextConnectedCount( pos => i); if( res1 != 0 and res2 != 0) then tBuf := utl_lms.format_message( 'i=%s, hash=%s, nextCount=%s, prevCount=%s', TO_CHAR( i), TO_CHAR( geomInfo( i).hash), TO_CHAR( res1), TO_CHAR( res2)); dbms_output.put_line( tBuf); continue; end if; tBuf := utl_lms.format_message( 'i=%s, hash=%s', TO_CHAR( i), TO_CHAR( geomInfo( i).hash)); dbms_output.put_line( tBuf); end loop; END; /** * @name Dump GeoInfo structure * @author S.Deckers * @date 16-07-2017 * @description */ PROCEDURE Dump AS tPrevUnConnectedCount int := 0; tNextUnConnectedCount int := 0; /** * @name collectionIsSimplified * @purpose If prev-/nextItems not exists the collection is simplified */ FUNCTION collectionIsSimplified return BOOLEAN AS BEGIN for i in 1..geomInfo.COUNT loop if( geomInfo( i).nextItems.COUNT > 0) then return( FALSE); end if; if( geomInfo( i).prevItems.COUNT > 0) then return( FALSE); end if; end loop; return( TRUE); END; /** * @name DumpPrev * @purpose Dump previous members */ PROCEDURE DumpPrev( pos int) AS tVal int; BEGIN tBuf := utl_lms.format_message( ' DumpPrev:%s items for pos:%s', TO_CHAR( geomInfo( pos).prevItems.COUNT), TO_CHAR( pos)); dbms_output.put_line( tBuf); for n in 1..geomInfo( pos).prevItems.COUNT loop tVal := geomInfo( pos).prevItems( n); tBuf := utl_lms.format_message( ' n=%s, Prev=%s', TO_CHAR( n), TO_CHAR( tVal)); dbms_output.put_line( tBuf); end loop; END; /** * @name DumpNext * @purpose Dump next members */ PROCEDURE DumpNext( pos int) AS tVal int; BEGIN tBuf := utl_lms.format_message( ' DumpNext:%s items for pos:%s', TO_CHAR( geomInfo( pos).nextItems.COUNT), TO_CHAR( pos)); dbms_output.put_line( tBuf); for n in 1..geomInfo( pos).nextItems.COUNT loop tVal := geomInfo( pos).nextItems( n); tBuf := utl_lms.format_message( ' n=%s, Next_=%s', TO_CHAR( n), TO_CHAR( tVal)); dbms_output.put_line( tBuf); end loop; END; /** * @name dumpUnSimplified * @purpose dumpUnSimplified structure */ PROCEDURE dumpUnSimplified AS BEGIN dbms_output.put_line( 'dumpUnSimplified'); for i in 1..geomInfo.COUNT loop tPrevUnConnectedCount := getPrevConnectedCount( pos => i); tNextUnConnectedCount := getNextConnectedCount( pos => i); tBuf := utl_lms.format_message( 'i=%s', TO_CHAR( i)); tBuf := tBuf || utl_lms.format_message( ', prevCount=%s', TO_CHAR( tPrevUnConnectedCount)); tBuf := tBuf || utl_lms.format_message( ', nextCount=%s', TO_CHAR( tNextUnConnectedCount)); tBuf := tBuf || utl_lms.format_message( ', isStartingGeo=%s', TO_CHAR( geomInfo( i).isStartingGeo)); dbms_output.put_line( tBuf); DumpPrev( pos => i); DumpNext( pos => i); end loop; END; /** * @name dumpSimplified * @purpose dumpSimplified structure */ PROCEDURE dumpSimplified AS BEGIN dbms_output.put_line( 'Simplified'); for i in 1..geomInfo.COUNT loop tBuf := utl_lms.format_message( 'i=%s', TO_CHAR( i)); tBuf := tBuf || utl_lms.format_message( ', hash=%s', TO_CHAR( geomInfo( i).hash)); tBuf := tBuf || utl_lms.format_message( ', next=%s', TO_CHAR( geomInfo( i).next)); tBuf := tBuf || utl_lms.format_message( ', previous=%s', TO_CHAR( geomInfo( i).Prev)); tBuf := tBuf || utl_lms.format_message( ', isStartingGeo=%s', TO_CHAR( geomInfo( i).isStartingGeo)); dbms_output.put_line( tBuf); end loop; END; BEGIN if( collectionIsSimplified() = TRUE) then dumpSimplified(); return; end if; dumpUnSimplified( ); END; /** * @name getConnectionInfo * @description Given 2 connected geometries determine how they are connected, t.i. start connected to endpoint etc.. */ FUNCTION getConnectionInfo ( a in mdsys.sdo_geometry , b in mdsys.sdo_geometry ) return int AS p1 mdsys.sdo_geometry; p2 mdsys.sdo_geometry; tResult varchar( 20); cTol constant number := 0.2; BEGIN /* --- C1: A o----o o----o B A drawn left to right, B left to right -> endpoint A connected to startpoint B (20170726 SDE) 1 -> 2 1 -> 2 */ select SDO_LRS.GEOM_SEGMENT_END_PT( a) into p1 from dual; select SDO_LRS.GEOM_SEGMENT_START_PT( b) into p2 from dual; select sdo_geom.relate( SDO_CS.MAKE_2D( p1), 'DETERMINE', SDO_CS.MAKE_2D( p2), cTol) into tResult from dual; if( tResult = 'EQUAL') then return( cC1); end if; /* --- C2: A o----o o----o B A drawn right to left, B right to left -> startpoint A connected to endpoint B (20170726 SDE) 2 <- 1 2 <- 1 */ select SDO_LRS.GEOM_SEGMENT_START_PT( A) into p1 from dual; select SDO_LRS.GEOM_SEGMENT_END_PT( b) into p2 from dual; select sdo_geom.relate( SDO_CS.MAKE_2D( p1), 'DETERMINE', SDO_CS.MAKE_2D( p2), cTol) into tResult from dual; if( tResult = 'EQUAL') then return( cC2); end if; /* --- C3: A o----o o----o B A drawn left to right, B right to left -> Endpoints connected (20170726 SDE) 1 -> 2 2 <- 1 */ select SDO_LRS.GEOM_SEGMENT_END_PT( A) into p1 from dual; select SDO_LRS.GEOM_SEGMENT_END_PT( b) into p2 from dual; select sdo_geom.relate( SDO_CS.MAKE_2D( p1), 'DETERMINE', SDO_CS.MAKE_2D( p2), cTol) into tResult from dual; if( tResult = 'EQUAL') then return( cC3); end if; /* --- C4: A o----o o----o B A drawn right to left, B left to right -> Startpoints connected (20170726 SDE) 2 <- 1 1 -> 2 */ select SDO_LRS.GEOM_SEGMENT_START_PT( A) into p1 from dual; select SDO_LRS.GEOM_SEGMENT_START_PT( b) into p2 from dual; select sdo_geom.relate( SDO_CS.MAKE_2D( p1), 'DETERMINE', SDO_CS.MAKE_2D( p2), cTol) into tResult from dual; if( tResult = 'EQUAL') then return( cC4); end if; /* --- No connection (20170929 SDE) */ return( cC0); END; /** * @name setConnectionInfo * @description Fill structure with info how geometries are connected */ PROCEDURE setConnectionInfo as k int := 1; theCase int; BEGIN for i in 1..geomInfo.COUNT loop for n in 1..geomInfo.COUNT loop /* --- Skip self (20170804 SDE) */ if( n = i) then continue; end if; /* --- Only continue if we have connected geometries (20170804 SDE) */ if( getConnectionInfo( a=>geominfo( i).geom, b=>geominfo( n).geom) = cC0 ) then continue; end if; /* --- Get connectioninfo (20170804 SDE) */ theCase := getConnectionInfo( A=>geomInfo( i).geom, b=>geomInfo( n).geom); CASE( theCase) /* --- C1: A o----o o----o B A drawn left to right, B left to right -> endpoint A connected to startpoint B (20170726 SDE) 1 -> 2 1 -> 2 */ WHEN( cC1) THEN BEGIN geomInfo( i).nextItems( geomInfo( i).nextItems.COUNT+1) := n; END; /* --- C2: A o----o o----o B A drawn right to left, B right to left -> startpoint A connected to endpoint B (20170726 SDE) 2 <- 1 2 <- 1 */ WHEN( cC2) then BEGIN geomInfo( i).prevItems( geomInfo( i).prevItems.COUNT+1) := n; END; /* --- C3: A o----o o----o B A drawn left to right, B right to left -> Endpoints connected (20170726 SDE) 1 -> 2 2 <- 1 */ WHEN( cC3) THEN BEGIN geomInfo( i).nextItems( geomInfo( i).nextItems.COUNT+1) := n; END; /* --- C4: A o----o o----o B A drawn right to left, B left to right -> Startpoints connected (20170726 SDE) 2 <- 1 1 -> 2 */ WHEN( cC4) THEN BEGIN geomInfo( i).prevItems( geomInfo( i).prevItems.COUNT+1) := n; END; /* --- Can't handle this (20170726 SDE) */ END CASE; k := k + 1; end loop; end loop; END; /** * @name multipleConnectedGeometryCount * @description return # of geometries with more then 2 connections on Prev/Next. If these geometries * exists a Merged geometry cannot be created : 1 2 3 o-->--o o-->--o-->--o \ | \ | 5 \ | 4 \ | \| o */ FUNCTION multipleConnectedGeometryCount return integer AS prev_cnt integer := 0; next_cnt integer := 0; theCount integer := 0; geoCount integer := 0; BEGIN for i in 1..geomInfo.COUNT loop prev_cnt := getPrevConnectedCount( pos => i); if( prev_cnt > 1) then theCount := theCount + 1; geoCount := geoCount + 1; continue; end if; next_cnt := getNextConnectedCount( pos => i); if( next_cnt > 1) then theCount := theCount + 1; geoCount := geoCount + 1; end if; end loop; return( geoCount); END; /** * @name getSingleConnectedCount * @description return # of geometries connected on a single side. We need 2 for sorting, the start- and end geometry */ FUNCTION getSingleConnectedCount return integer as res1 integer := 0; res2 integer := 0; theCount integer := 0; BEGIN for i in 1..geomInfo.COUNT loop res1 := getPrevConnectedCount( pos => i); if( res1 = 0) then theCount := theCount + 1; end if; res2 := getNextConnectedCount( pos => i); if( res2 = 0) then theCount := theCount + 1; end if; end loop; return( theCount); END; /** * @name fillTempStructure * @description Fills temporary structure with geometries */ PROCEDURE fillTempStructure ( theGeom IN mdsys.sdo_geometry , geoCount OUT integer ) AS cnt int; gtype int := theGeom.sdo_gtype; tripletCount int; BEGIN geoCount := 0; /* --- If our temp geometry is a linestring/curve it can only be a single element (20170808 SDE) */ if( gtype = 3002) then tBuf := utl_lms.format_message( 'gtype=3002, single geometry encountered'); dbms_output.put_line( tBuf); geoCount := 1; return; end if; cnt := theGeom.sdo_elem_info.COUNT; tripletCount := cnt / 3; DECLARE elemInfoCounter int := 1; triplet int := 0; sdo_starting_offset number; sdo_etype number; sdo_interpretation number; tGeom mdsys.sdo_geometry; BEGIN while elemInfoCounter < theGeom.sdo_elem_info.COUNT loop triplet := elemInfoCounter; if( triplet > 1) then triplet := (triplet - 1)/3 + 1; end if; -- get the sdo_elem_info elements (20170706 SDE) sdo_starting_offset := theGeom.sdo_elem_info( elemInfoCounter); sdo_etype := theGeom.sdo_elem_info( elemInfoCounter+1); sdo_interpretation := theGeom.sdo_elem_info( elemInfoCounter+2); /* --- If we encounter a Compound line the # of geometries making up this linestring is at the second position.*/ if( sdo_etype = 4) then DECLARE geoCount2 number := sdo_interpretation; -- # geometries in compound linestring firstOffset number := elemInfoCounter+3; lastOffset number := (geoCount2-1)*3+firstOffset; firstValue number := theGeom.sdo_elem_info( firstOffset); lastValue number := theGeom.sdo_elem_info( lastOffset); BEGIN elemInfoCounter := lastOffset+3; END; geoCount := geoCount + 1; select SDO_UTIL.EXTRACT( theGeom, geoCount) into tGeom from dual; geomInfo( geoCount).geom := tGeom; geomInfo( geoCount).isStartingGeo := 0; geomInfo( geoCount).hash := GETHASHCODE( tGeom); continue; end if; -- Increase elemInfoCounter (20170706 SDE) elemInfoCounter := elemInfoCounter+3; geoCount := geoCount + 1; select SDO_UTIL.EXTRACT( theGeom, geoCount) into tGeom from dual; geomInfo( geoCount).geom := tGeom; geomInfo( geoCount).isStartingGeo := 0; geomInfo( geoCount).hash := GETHASHCODE( tGeom); end loop; end; END; /** * @name collectionIs3D * @description return TRUE if all the geometries are 3d */ FUNCTION collectionIs3D return boolean as BEGIN for i in 1..geomInfo.COUNT loop if( geomInfo( i).geom.get_dims() = 2) then return( FALSE); end if; end loop; return( TRUE); END; /** * @name Merge * @author S.Deckers * @date 09-Aug-2017 * @description Merge 2 geometries */ function Merge( geom1 mdsys.sdo_geometry, geom2 mdsys.sdo_geometry) return mdsys.sdo_geometry as v_o1 number; -- sdo_starting_offset v_e1 number; -- sdo_etype v_i1 number; -- sdo_interpretation v_o2 number; v_e2 number; v_i2 number; elemInfo mdsys.sdo_elem_info_array := new mdsys.sdo_elem_info_array ( ); ordinates mdsys.sdo_ordinate_array := new mdsys.sdo_ordinate_array ( ); merged mdsys.sdo_geometry; /** * @name MergeOrdinates * @author S.Deckers * @date 01-Sept-2017 * @description */ function mergeOrdinates( n1 mdsys.sdo_ordinate_array, n2 mdsys.sdo_ordinate_array) return mdsys.sdo_ordinate_array as n3 mdsys.sdo_ordinate_array := new mdsys.sdo_ordinate_array( ); begin for i in 1..n1.COUNT - 3 loop n3.extend(); n3( n3.COUNT) := n1( i); end loop; for i in 1..n2.COUNT loop n3.extend(); n3( n3.COUNT) := n2( i); end loop; return( n3); end; /** * @name isSupportedGeometry * @author S.Deckers * @date 01-Sept-2017 * @return * o TRUE supported geometry * o FALSE unsupported geometry */ function isSupportedGeometry( etype int, interpretation int) return boolean as begin /* --- Line */ if( etype = 2 and interpretation = 1 ) then return( TRUE); end if; /* --- Arc */ if( etype = 2 and interpretation = 2 ) then return( TRUE); end if; /* --- Compound linestring */ if( etype = 4 ) then return( TRUE); end if; tBuf := utl_lms.format_message( 'Unsupported:etype=%s, interpretation=%s', TO_CHAR( etype), TO_CHAR( interpretation)); dbms_output.put_line( tBuf); return( FALSE); end; /** * @name getMergedElemInfo * @author S.Deckers * @date 01-Sept-2017 * @description get resulting elemInfo for 2 merging eleminfos. We need to support for the following merge-cases : * # elem1 elem2 merged * -- ----- ----- ------ * 1 line line CS * 2 line CS CS * 3 CS line CS * 4 Arc Line CS * 5 Line Arc CS * 6 Arc Arc CS * 7 CS CS CS * 8 CS Arc CS * 9 Arc CS CS */ procedure getMergedElemInfo ( e1 in mdsys.sdo_elem_info_array , e2 in mdsys.sdo_elem_info_array , e3 out mdsys.sdo_elem_info_array ) AS etype1 int := 0; interpr1 int := 0; etype2 int := 0; interpr2 int := 0; BEGIN /* --- Line + Line -> Line (20170901 SDE) */ etype1 := e1( 2); interpr1 := e1( 3); etype2 := e2( 2); interpr2 := e2( 3); if( (etype1 = 2 and interpr1 = 1) AND (etype2 = 2 and interpr2 = 1) ) then e3 := new mdsys.sdo_elem_info_array( ); e3.extend( 3); e3( 1) := 1; -- offset=1 e3( 2) := 2; -- etype=2 e3( 3) := 1; -- interpr= 1 return; end if; /* --- Line + Compound linestring -> Compound linestring (20170901 SDE) */ if( (etype1 = 2 and interpr1 = 1) AND (etype2 = 4)) then DECLARE elemCount int := e2( 3) + 1; offSet int := geom1.sdo_ordinates.COUNT() - 3; newSize int := e1.COUNT() + e2.COUNT(); n int; BEGIN e3 := new mdsys.sdo_elem_info_array( ); e3.extend( newSize); e3( 1) := 1; e3( 2) := 4; e3( 3) := elemCount; -- the Line (20170901 SDE) e3( 4) := 1; e3( 5) := 2; e3( 6) := 1; -- Copy Compound Linestring (20170901 SDE) n := 7; for i in 4..e2.COUNT() loop if (MOD( n-1, 3) = 0 ) then e3( n) := e2( i) + offSet; n := n + 1; continue; end if; e3( n) := e2( i); n := n + 1; end loop; END; return; end if; /* --- Compound linestring + Line -> Compound linestring (20170901 SDE) */ if( (etype1 = 4) AND (etype2 = 2 and interpr2 = 1) ) then e3 := geom1.sdo_elem_info; e3.extend( 3); e3( 3) := geom1.sdo_elem_info( 3) + 1; --- Increase # of elements with 1 e3( e3.COUNT() - 2 ) := geom1.sdo_ordinates.COUNT() - 2; --- Set new offset e3( e3.COUNT() - 1 ) := 2; --- It is a line e3( e3.COUNT()) := 1; return; end if; /* --- ARC + LINE -> Compound linestring (20170912 SDE) type elem_info ordinates ----- ------------------- ----------------------------------- Arc 1,2,2 1,10,0, 10,8,0, 15,10,0 line 1,2, 15,10,0, 20,10,0 merged 1,4,2 1,2,2, 7,2,1 1,10,0, 10,8,0, 15,10,0, 20,10,0 */ if( (etype1 = 2 and interpr1 = 2) AND (etype2 = 2 and interpr2 = 1) ) then e3 := new mdsys.sdo_elem_info_array( ); e3.extend( 9); e3( 1) := 1; e3( 2) := 4; e3( 3) := 2; -- Arc e3( 4) := 1; e3( 5) := 2; e3( 6) := 2; -- Linestring e3( 7) := 7; e3( 8) := 2; e3( 9) := 1; return; end if; /* --- LINE + ARC -> Compound linestring (20170912 SDE) */ if( (etype1 = 2 and interpr1 = 1) AND (etype2 = 2 and interpr2 = 2) ) then e3 := new mdsys.sdo_elem_info_array( ); e3.extend( 9); e3( 1) := 1; e3( 2) := 4; e3( 3) := 2; -- Linestring e3( 4) := 1; e3( 5) := 2; e3( 6) := 1; -- Arc e3( 7) := geom1.sdo_ordinates.COUNT() - 2; e3( 8) := 2; e3( 9) := 2; return; end if; /* --- ARC + ARC -> Compound linestring (20170912 SDE) */ if( (etype1 = 2 and interpr1 = 2) AND (etype2 = 2 and interpr2 = 2) ) then e3 := new mdsys.sdo_elem_info_array( ); e3.extend( 9); e3( 1) := 1; e3( 2) := 4; e3( 3) := 2; -- Arc1 e3( 4) := 1; e3( 5) := 2; e3( 6) := 2; -- Arc2 e3( 7) := geom1.sdo_ordinates.COUNT() - 2; e3( 8) := 2; e3( 9) := 2; return; end if; /* --- CS + CS -> CS (20170901 SDE) */ if( (etype1 = 4) AND (etype2 = 4) ) then DECLARE elemCount int := e1( 3) + e2 ( 3); offSet int := geom1.sdo_ordinates.COUNT() - 3; newSize int := e1.COUNT() + e2.COUNT() - 3; n int; BEGIN e3 := new mdsys.sdo_elem_info_array( ); e3.extend( newSize); e3( 1) := 1; e3( 2) := 4; e3( 3) := elemCount; for i in 4..e1.COUNT() loop e3( i) := e1( i); n := i; end loop; n:=n+1; for i in 4..e2.COUNT() loop -- Offset, we need to modify this (20170901 SDE) if( MOD( n-1, 3) = 0) then e3( n) := e2( i) + offSet; n:=n+1; continue; end if; -- The element, just copy it (20170901 SDE) e3( n) := e2( i); n := n + 1; end loop; END; return; end if; /* --- Compound linestring + Arc -> Compound linestring (20170901 SDE) */ if( (etype1 = 4) AND (etype2 = 2 and interpr2 = 2) ) then e3 := geom1.sdo_elem_info; e3.extend( 3); e3( 3) := geom1.sdo_elem_info( 3) + 1; --- Increase # of elements with 1 e3( e3.count() - 2 ) := geom1.sdo_ordinates.count() - 2; --- Set new offset e3( e3.count() - 1 ) := 2; --- It is a Arc e3( e3.count()) := 2; return; end if; /* --- Arc + Compound linestring -> Compound linestring (20170930 SDE) */ if( (etype1 = 2 and interpr1 = 2) AND (etype2 = 4)) then DECLARE elemCount int := e2( 3) + 1; offSet int := geom1.sdo_ordinates.count() - 3; newSize int := e1.count() + e2.count(); n int; BEGIN e3 := new mdsys.sdo_elem_info_array( ); e3.extend( newSize); e3( 1) := 1; e3( 2) := 4; e3( 3) := elemCount; -- the Arc (20170930 SDE) e3( 4) := 1; e3( 5) := 2; e3( 6) := 2; -- Copy Compound Linestring (20170901 SDE) n := 7; for i in 4..e2.count() loop if (MOD( n-1, 3) = 0 ) then e3( n) := e2( i) + offSet; n := n + 1; continue; end if; e3( n) := e2( i); n := n + 1; end loop; END; return; end if; /* --- Unsupported combination (20170901 SDE) */ tBuf := utl_lms.format_message( 'Unsupported eleminfo merge operation:etype1=%s, interpr1=%s, etype2=%s, interpr2=%s', TO_CHAR( etype1), TO_CHAR( interpr1), TO_CHAR( etype2), TO_CHAR( interpr2)); dbms_output.put_line( tBuf); return; END; /* --- Merge Begin */ BEGIN if( geom1 is null) then return( geom2); end if; if( geom2 is null) then return( geom1); end if; /* --- Geometries need to have the same gtype (20170808 SDE) */ if( geom1.sdo_gtype != geom2.sdo_gtype) then tBuf := utl_lms.format_message( 'gtype not equal:%s != %s', TO_CHAR( geom1.sdo_gtype), TO_CHAR( geom2.sdo_gtype)); dbms_output.put_line( tBuf); return( null); end if; /* --- If the dimension is specified it needs to be the same (20170808 SDE) */ if( geom1.sdo_srid is null) then if( geom2.sdo_srid is not null) then tBuf := utl_lms.format_message( 'srid1 is null srid2 not'); dbms_output.put_line( tBuf); return( null); end if; end if; if( geom2.sdo_srid is null) then if( geom1.sdo_srid is not null) then tBuf := utl_lms.format_message( 'srid2 is null srid1 not'); dbms_output.put_line( tBuf); return( null); end if; end if; if( geom1.sdo_srid != geom2.sdo_srid) then tBuf := utl_lms.format_message( 'srid not equal:%s != %s', TO_CHAR( geom1.sdo_srid), TO_CHAR( geom2.sdo_srid)); dbms_output.put_line( tBuf); return( null); end if; /* --- Merge it (20170808 SDE) */ v_o1 := geom1.sdo_elem_info( 1); v_e1 := geom1.sdo_elem_info( 2); v_i1 := geom1.sdo_elem_info( 3); v_o2 := geom2.sdo_elem_info( 1); v_e2 := geom2.sdo_elem_info( 2); v_i2 := geom2.sdo_elem_info( 3); if( isSupportedGeometry( v_e1, v_i1) = FALSE) then tBuf := utl_lms.format_message( 'unsupported elem_info1:%s %s', TO_CHAR( v_e1), TO_CHAR( v_i1)); dbms_output.put_line( tBuf); return( null); end if; if( isSupportedGeometry( v_e2, v_i2) = FALSE) then tBuf := utl_lms.format_message( 'unsupported elem_info2:%s %s', TO_CHAR( v_e1), TO_CHAR( v_i1)); dbms_output.put_line( tBuf); return( null); end if; ordinates := mergeOrdinates( n1 => geom1.sdo_ordinates, n2 => geom2.sdo_ordinates); getMergedElemInfo ( e1 => geom1.sdo_elem_info, e2 => geom2.sdo_elem_info, e3 => elemInfo ); merged := new mdsys.sdo_geometry( SDO_GTYPE => 3002 , SDO_SRID => geom1.sdo_srid , SDO_POINT => null , SDO_ELEM_INFO => elemInfo , SDO_ORDINATES => ordinates); return( merged); end; /** * @name SortAndMerge * @author S.Deckers * @date 26-07-2017 * @description Sorts and Merges the geometries and return result */ FUNCTION SortAndMerge return mdsys.sdo_geometry AS l_cnt int; sorted mdsys.sdo_geometry; /** * @name mergeSortedGeometries * @purpose Merge set of sorted geometries into a single geometry */ FUNCTION getSortedMergedGeometries return mdsys.sdo_geometry as i int := getStartingGeo(); tNext int; merged mdsys.sdo_geometry; begin LOOP tNext := geomInfo( i).Next; merged := Merge( merged, geomInfo( i).geom); if( tNext = 0) then return( merged); end if; i := geomInfo( i).Next; END LOOP; end; BEGIN -- Sort -- if( collectionIs3D() = FALSE) then tBuf := utl_lms.format_message( 'Only 3d geometries are supported'); dbms_output.put_line( tBuf); return( null); end if; l_cnt := multipleConnectedGeometryCount( ); /* --- If we have geometries with more then a single geometry connected on either side we cannot do the sorting (20170806 SDE) */ if( l_cnt > 0) then return( null); end if; l_cnt := getSingleConnectedCount(); /* --- We need 2 geometries connected on a single side to do the sorting (20170806 SDE) */ if( l_cnt != 2) then return( null); end if; Sort( ); /* --- Merge the sorted geometries (20170808 SDE) */ sorted := getSortedMergedGeometries( ); return( sorted); END; -- Sort -- /** * @name sortGeometries * @author S.Deckers * @date 06-07-2017 * @description Sort set of geometries */ FUNCTION SortAndMergeGeometries ( unsorted in mdsys.sdo_geometry ) return mdsys.sdo_geometry AS valid int; sorted mdsys.sdo_geometry; tGeoCount int; BEGIN /* --- Only sort valid geometries (20170720 SDE) */ select SDO_CS.MAKE_2D( unsorted).st_isValid() into valid from dual; if( valid = 0 ) then dbms_output.put_line( utl_lms.format_message( 'Invalid geometry', TO_CHAR( valid) )); return( null); end if; /* --- Enumerate all geometries encountered and fill in temp structure (20170901 SDE) */ fillTempStructure( theGeom =>self.geom, geoCount => tGeoCount); /* --- If there's only a single item, return it (20170808 SDE) */ if( tGeoCount = 1 ) then tBuf := utl_lms.format_message( 'Single geometry'); dbms_output.put_line( tBuf); return( self.geom); end if; /* --- Put all geometries in structure for processing (20170720 SDE) */ setConnectionInfo ( ); sorted := SortAndMerge( ); return( sorted); end; BEGIN ret := SortAndMergeGeometries( unsorted => self.geom); return( ODCIConst.Success); END; /** * @name ODCIAggregateMerge */ MEMBER FUNCTION ODCIAggregateMerge ( self IN OUT SDE_MERGE_i , ctx2 IN SDE_MERGE_i ) RETURN number IS BEGIN return( ODCIConst.Success); END; END; / CREATE or replace FUNCTION SDE_MERGE (input mdsys.sdo_geometry) RETURN mdsys.sdo_geometry PARALLEL_ENABLE AGGREGATE USING SDE_MERGE_i; / |